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  • Writer's pictureTracy Maah

Why Minimalism Sucks

I’m going to assume that you know what minimalism is because you clicked on this post, but if you don’t:

Minimalism is this ill-advised fad that has swept the nation from YouTube videos to blog posts.

Do you know what a cluttered life is? It is a rich person’s issue. Well, an in and around the middle class, issue. Being able to have enough money to have so many things, be that clothing, accessories, or picture frames. The idea of having enough money to blow on these types of things isn’t a reality for everyone. If you have too much shit, either throw some of it away or donate it. It’s that simple, but nooo. As a society, we must make everything a trend, including living a clutter-less life. To even think about going minimalist. Could you fathom the audacity of some people?

Here is why minimalism sucks:

For starters, you barely understand the concept. How is owning less shit going to make you happier? If that is you go for it, as for me and the rest of the materialistic world, we prefer shiny new things. I’m not giving up any of my stuff, THEY BRING ME JOY. Anyway, I say we barely understand the concept because I have not watched a single YouTube video that had the same definition for what minimalism entails. So, what is all the hoopla about? Do you want to go back to living like a nomad? I think we have a new definition for bare necessities. It is not just food and water, honey. Netflix is a part of me and I am a part of Netflix. We can’t live without each other, I watch shows aimlessly, and they make money off me Win-Win.

What I have seen from big advocates of minimalism is that due to the lack of stuff/ clutter, they were able to get off their asses and chase life. Whatever the hell that means. It sounds to me like someone is using objects to dictate their life. Hey, just so you know, they don’t control you.

Let me take you on a trip to a world of wonders. You walk into a store just dilly-dallying, and you see this beautiful thing, something you want badly, but oh no, you must now analyze if this beautiful crap will bring new meaning to your life. Is it essential? Would you just die if you didn’t have it? There is so much to think about, omg, bam! That is the sound of you falling on the floor. You had a heart attack or maybe a brain aneurysm. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? If you weren’t following some stupid fad you would be able to buy it and regret it later like a proper human being. I digress, maybe I just have a bougie mentality. MAYBE, I DON’T WANT TO LOOK POOR.

Moving on, there is nothing wrong with having stuff. They don’t prevent you from doing soul searching and digging into who you are and who you want to be or whatever. There has to be a real issue with YOU if you cannot properly manage your life just because you have shit in your home. I know I’m one to talk, I can’t get anywhere on time, but I have never blamed it on my closet. It brings me true happiness to know that I have an outfit for everything. And I could never get angry with the mountain of stuffed animals in my room. What can I say I’m a child at heart. Owning a lot of stuff doesn’t mean you need to be on the next episode of hoarders. If you truly won’t be using it, don’t buy it. From one fellow human bean to another, you are okay. Go find your soul in a new outfit and shoes.

Ps: I feel like I need a way of signing off, cause these endings are very abrupt. Plus, I want true gossip girl vibes.

-XOXO That Bitch.

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